Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Week 8 - Discovering Web 2.0 tools.

I browsed through the Web 2.0 Awards shortlists and to my surprise there were heaps of Web 2.0 websites.Some of the winners, like Facebook, Flickr and Google Docs, were those we have come across in this "Learning 2.0" journey. Just for fun I had a peek at Picnik and learned how to manipulate photos and images. Tried out Google Maps and played around searching for locations in New Zealand and overseas and was thrilled to locate families and friends' houses using the Satellite option. I then tried the Question and Advice category, Say-so and thoroughly enjoyed reading the responses to the question "Is Santa Claus real?" The result at the time I logged on was 466 (of course Santa's real!) and 283 (no, sadly he is not real). My response was "of course Santa is real" and that made it 467!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Me too - I think he's real - thats 468